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vendredi 10 octobre 2014

New Apple keynote: the date of October 16 is formalized


New Apple keynote: the date of October 16 is formalized 
KEYNOTE - New iPad, launch of OS X Yosemite, new computers ... the new Apple press conference, one month after the submission of smartphones, still reserve many surprises. 

Once is not custom, it will be Thursday. The new keynote of the California firm will take place on October 16th. Apple took advantage of his invitation to the press to be ironic: the email sent this afternoon, Wednesday, Oct. 8, is titled "It's been far too long ..." (It's been way too long) even though the latest Apple ads back one month (September 9 for the presentation of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus and Apple Watch). 

The irony ... or a subliminal message. Apple may well want to talk about the announcement of a brand new MacBook Air. This would have a 12-inch screen (there is only 11 and 13 inches per hour) and, above all, a resolution Retina. A long awaited and dreamed by many fans who want to see the model finally arrive in the Apple Store a MacBook Air with a Retina display. 

Yosemite OS X on the launch pad 

The keynote will also be an opportunity to discuss the launch of the operating system for Mac OS X Yosemite, presented in June, and will be available for download certainly in the wake of the event or in the following days. Apple enjoy perhaps to introduce new iMac. 

As usual, the presentation will begin at 19 am, French time but Apple has not said whether he would disseminate this time the event streaming. During the keynote in September, the flow had known wholesale malfunctions. For now, the page on the site, usually dedicated to live, has remained unchanged since the last conference. 

MetroNews will follow the event live and will cover all ads October 16.

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