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mardi 10 février 2015

Apple: iOS 9 will build everything on optimization and improved stability

  iOS 7 to change head and iOS 8 for adding functions that are long over. 9 for iOS, Apple engineers could focus on improving overall performance.
rès deux itérations de son système d’exploitation mobile très riches en nouveautés et petites révolutions, aussi bien esthétiques, qu’ergonomiques ou fonctionnelles, Apple semble vouloir consolider les bases. iOS 9 serait ainsi un peu ce que Snow Leopard avait été à Mac OS X, une version dotée de quelques nouveautés, mais qui a surtout été saluée pour son optimisation et sa stabilité.

According to sources of the very active and informed 9to5mac, the 2015 edition of Apple's mobile OS include any "a set of improvements under the hood." The engineers of the Cupertino company focus on "fixing bugs, maintaining stability and performance improvements" for iOS 9.
Thus, and as examples, Apple Teams will continue their efforts to reduce the storage space required for the OS and its updates. Good news for those who opted for the 16GB version of the iPhone or the iPad. Bad news potential because it has yet to be confirmed, for those who have some older devices. For, to significantly reduce the size of the installation images, Apple could cut ties with the older versions of its aircraft. As 9to5mac note, if the iPhone 5c, the iPad mini's first name and fifth generation iPod touch are withdrawn from sale - Apple - by the end of 2015, then sold the park will be composed solely of 'devices with the 64-bit chips. This could make life easier for developers and that of Apple engineers.
Corrections and a little more ...

Optimizations and stability will be at the heart of iOS 9. Good, because they seemed clearly fail to launch iOS 8. To the point that some community developers are moved. However, it is almost certain that Apple will add some new functions. In Maps, for example, which is still lagging behind Google Maps or via integration with other services. A version of Beats Music fused to the iOS Music function could be one of the examples of innovations in iOS hoped 9 ...