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mardi 25 août 2015

25% discount on terminals Time Capsule

 If you were planning to buy a Time Machine backup system for your Mac, here's a perfect offer: CDiscountvery fit today offers "BIM5" code that allows an immediate 5% discount for all orders above € 199. This is relatively low, but the hotspots Apple are already available with substantial discounts compared to the l'Apple Store . The 2 TB model is proposed to  295 €  instead of € 369, and finds himself at € 280.25 and once applied coupon, or promotion of -24.1%. 3TB model, it is proposed to 397,41 €  instead of € 499, and finds himself at € 377.54 with coupon or promotion of -24.4%.

Note that the code "BAM10" allows an immediate 10% discount for orders over € 399, which is barely above the price of the Time Capsule 3TB. Buy an inexpensive product as an accessory can therefore afford to reach this level and save a little more. Caution, however, no expiration date is given for promotion codes that we have seen: if the offer interests you, do not delay


Up to 20% off all Macs!

Thank you to Thomas tells us that huge business side   CDiscount   The dealer offers indeed a promo code "BAM10" allowing an immediate 10% discount on all computers in the site, including Mac. Some rates are already far more interesting than the  l'Apple Store  there are very big deals to be today!

As you can see in the capture above example, the MacBook Pro 13.3 "with Retina Display and 256GB storage is offered at  1 453,99 €  instead of € 1,649, and it ends up 1 € 308.59 after applying coupon. so promotion is -20.6%, which is absolutely outstanding! Even the  Refurb Store   and refurbished products do not make the weight. Similar cases can be performed on very many other Mac models, both the MacBook, MacBook Air or desktop computers, and we let you discover the references available at this  adresse. CDiscount warning that the number of promo codes is limited but without giving the number, be very, very fast!



mardi 18 août 2015

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