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mardi 26 mai 2015

Apple : iOS 9 pourrait redonner du peps aux anciens iPhone


9 With iOS, Apple could give a second life to the iPhone 4S and the iPad Mini first name.

With each release of a new version of iOS is still the same dilemma for users of Apple devices dating back two or three generations. Should we do the update to get the latest news by taking the risk that their phone or tablet get rowing badly?

A recurring problem for the "Apple addicts" who are often frustrated by a device that worked perfectly until now become almost unusable. A way for Apple to force the hand of the consumer to buy the latest iPhone or iPad according to some. The imminent arrival of iOS 9 could silence the gossips because it could focus on optimizing the operation of legacy devices.

iOS 9 could revive old iDevices
According to information from well informed 9to5Mac, the next mobile operating system of the firm at the apple would be optimized for old Apple devices, iPhone 4S and iPad Mini first generation in mind.

To ensure the best performance, the Cupertino company will not just to cut some features of iOS 9, but the developers have done a thorough job in optimizing every functionality in each case.

Revitalize older devices
With this policy change, Apple would allow older devices to find a second life, which would allow it to operate longer and ultimately drive up revenue on the App Store.

The first details about iOS 9 should be disclosed during the conference dedicated to developers, WWDC 2015, which will be given 8 to 12 June in San Francisco.