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mardi 22 juillet 2014

Apple orders 80 million iPhone 6 at its Chinese subcontractors

 The new smartphone will be more like a mini-tablet. The previous iPhone had been ordered in 50 to 60 million copies. 

Index of the exit in time for the holiday season with a new iPhone much larger: according to the Wall Street Journal, the Californian company commissioned its Chinese subcontractors 70-80000000 of smartphones with two types of screens. One is equipped with a screen of about 12 inches diagonal. The other would dare go up to 14 cm. In all cases the "iPhone 6" would be much larger than the iPhone 5, the screen is a little more than 10 cm. 
The size of future device is not the only highlight, although it confirms the implicit admission by Apple that the bet of his great rival Samsung, whose models have generally larger screens, was wise. The latest addition to the range, the Galaxy S5 for example has a screen of about 13 cm. 
Large screens popular Chinese 

Smartphones will therefore increasingly resemble mini-tablets, hence the nickname "phablettes." Advertisers have reason to celebrate: they will have more space to display their logos and messages ... In addition to the large screens are particularly popular in emerging countries, particularly China. The purchasing power of the consumer is there not as high as in rich countries. So, often, the smartphone will replace the computer, which makes them buy devices with larger screens. 
The volume of the iPhone 6 command is also speaking. Initially the previous iPhone had been ordered in 50 to 60 million copies. Apple could prepare the introduction of a more differentiated model of the previous generation, could boost demand? Apple had been criticized last year for having underestimated the iPhone 5S request, his last more expensive model, and having initially overestimated demand iPhone5C less expensive. 
The smartphone market increasingly crowded 

For Pegraton Corp.. and Foxconn, the two major Chinese suppliers of components for iPhone, the technology associated with the new larger screen is also a new challenge. Foxconn has already begun to hire "hundreds of new employees every day" to ensure the production and increase its capacity robots "Foxbots." 
The smartphone market is becoming more crowded. Furthermore Samsung which is estimated global market share to 29% in the first quarter, Apple fell 18%, while Huawei, Lenovo, LG and many others argue the rest. Samsung has noted this week "a slowdown in overall growth of the market" in the second quarter and a "higher inventories due to price competition and because of the lower demand for 3G models in anticipation of 4G models for the Chinese market. "Apple's strategy has always been not to the market share of its priority. The Cupertino company prefers to maintain high margins and offer products of the highest quality, most innovative possible, deliberately sold at prices higher than those of competitors.

mardi 1 juillet 2014

Android : une faille toucherait 86 % des appareils

On the blog of the company dedicated to security issues, Roee Hay, head of security at IBM unveiled an inherent flaw in Android that affect more than 86% of devices running Google's system.

June 23, Roee Hay, security manager at IBM cracked a blog to share a discovery of its teams on safety Android. According to his research, it would be relatively easy for a malicious person to access most of the information contained in the Android KeyStore file. It is an essential part of a system that is used to store passwords, private networks, PINs or other sensitive information used to secure the aircraft.

In his blog, IBM's manager explains that once a malicious person gets through several stages of protection, it is possible to access many sensitive data. The flaw makes it possible to highlight the "credits locked device", but also the master keys, numerical or direct access to data stored in the device. Alerted by team Roee Hay, Google corrected this flaw on 4.4 and higher versions of Google. However the fault occurs with all versions 4.3 and lower. As highlighted in the website Ars Technica, the number of devices in the world still susceptible to this vulnerability thus amounts to 86.4% of smartphones and Android tablets used.

vendredi 27 juin 2014

Google unveils Android L

Last night was held the opening of the Google I / O conference Be an opportunity for the California firm to make several announcements, including that of the next update of the mobile operating system Android. Rather than a number, it is a letter which designates this time L. This successor to Android 4.4 Kitkat make the difference on the one hand on the aesthetics, but also on performance.

More than a revolution, the design is undergoing a major change with Material Design, the new name given to the interface. The Flat Design, very fashionable since Apple adopted it with iOS 7 is even more pronounced in Android L. animations make for some thinking work done on Google Now for several years based cards. In native applications, the change is quite obvious: more airy, more colorful, they have more buttons visible interaction.

The lock screen is also reviewed, especially regarding notifications. Rather than being confined to the vertical bar when deployed, they are displayed directly on the central part of the display in the form of small interactive maps.


The issue of performance is crucial for Android devices, which sometimes suffers some delays on entry-level devices. Google celebrates the end of the Dalvik runtime benefit of ART, whose performance is a priori much higher thanks better memory management. Most importantly, it marks the beginning of support for 64-bit processors, which come at last position against Apple. IPhone support instruction set since the launch of 5s thanks to A7 processor now also prevalent in the last iPad and iPad Mini. 

Other advantages are drawing optimizations system, starting with a self improvement as well as the arrival of a power saving mode, capable of acting on both the frequency chips on the connections. The first test engineers have saved 90 minutes of autonomy on a Nexus 5.
Finally, video games, the most profitable Google Play Store applications also benefit from a number of innovations. Expansion packs provide including shakers and tessllations to allow, according to Google, a mobile gaming experience similar to the PC. A demonstration was made using the Unreal Engine 4 graphics engine, but it will be the first games to have an opinion.

So far, no specific date has been provided, but Android L is scheduled for the fall. In the meantime, developers can focus on an SDK to the attention of 5 Nexus and Nexus 7 to discover the extent of the novelties of this update.