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jeudi 6 juin 2013

Se Coucher Moins Bête passe gratuite et ajoute la compatibilité iPad !

Se Coucher Moins Bête passe gratuite et ajoute la compatibilité iPad !:
Bonne nouvelle l’une des applications les plus téléchargées de tous les temps sur l’App Store français vient de passer gratuite et ajoute en plus le support de l’iPad !
Se Coucher Moins Bête c’est plus de 3 000 anecdotes inédites, amusantes ou surprenantes sur tous les sujets : science, cinéma, musique, people, santé, histoire, sport, cuisine etc.., nos anecdotes de la vie quotidienne vont vous étonner ! De nouvelles anecdotes sont ajoutées tous les jours sans exception.


Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

AutoBrightness : une autre façon de gérer la luminosité.

AutoBrightness : une autre façon de gérer la luminosité.:
Il existe certes déjà une option permettant de régler automatiquement la luminosité de votre iPhone depuis les réglages mais bon …
AutoBrightness se charge de faire la même chose mais beaucoup plus rapidement.
Pensez à désactiver la fonctionnalité d’origine pour que ce tweak fonctionne.
AutoBrightness est disponible gratuitement sur le repo. de BigBoss.

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

mercredi 5 juin 2013

Belle mise à jour pour Chrome.

Belle mise à jour pour Chrome.:
Google vient de mettre à jour son application Chrome avec pour principale nouveauté l’apparition d’un bouton situé au-dessus du clavier permettant de lancer rapidement une recherche vocale.
Voici le change log complet :
Amélioration de la recherche vocale

- Énoncez votre requête et obtenez des résultats sans saisir de texte.

- Reconnaissance vocale plus rapide avec transcription instantanée.

- Obtenez des réponses vocales avec des résultats Web qui correspondent à vos questions.
Actualisation plus rapide des pages

- Les pages sont actualisées plus rapidement même lorsque le réseau est lent ou indisponible.
Amélioration de la stabilité et de la sécurité, et correction de bugs


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Après Chrome c’est au tour de Gmail.

Après Chrome c’est au tour de Gmail.:
Décidément les équipes de chez Google sont productifs :)
Après nous avoir proposé une mise à jour pour l’application Chrome c’est aujourd’hui au tour de leur client mail Gmail de recevoir son lot de nouveautés :
– Nouvelles options de notification : vous pouvez choisir de recevoir une notification pour chaque message reçu, uniquement pour les messages importants ou encore désactiver complètement les notifications, et ce pour chaque compte. Définissez votre choix sur la page des paramètres de l’application.
– Découvrez la nouvelle boîte de réception : si vous l’avez déjà activée, vous avez pu constater que vos messages étaient à présent regroupés en catégories.

Vous pouvez ainsi voir immédiatement les nouveaux messages, et choisir ceux que vous voulez lire en priorité.

Les e-mails de la boîte de réception principale sont placés en premier et vous pouvez facilement accéder aux autres catégories en développant le libellé correspondant.

Pour configurer cette fonctionnalité, accédez à depuis votre ordinateur.


I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Ce qu'on verra, ne verra pas et aimerions voir à la WWDC

Ce qu'on verra, ne verra pas et aimerions voir à la WWDC: C'est le 10 juin prochain que Tim Cook, le patron d'Apple, donnera le top départ de la Worldwide Developers Conference 2013, une conférence qui va s'ouvrir dans un climat troublé pour Apple : toujours chahutée en bourse (le titre se situe autour des 450 $), la Pomme engrange les mises en accusation, sur sa politique d'évasion fiscale, ses pratiques...

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

Apple aurait déposé la marque iWatch en Russie

Apple aurait déposé la marque iWatch en Russie:
C'est maintenant officiel, ou presque, il y aura un jour une iWatch. La preuve vient de Russie où Apple a déposé à l'international cette marque.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que la société agit ainsi. Elle avait déposé en 2002 en Australie la marque iPhone, 5 ans avant sa sortie.
Cela permet une plus grande discrétion et ensuite elle pourra batailler dans le reste du monde pour avoir partout cette marque déposée.

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Apple va embaucher 7400 personnes à Cupertino

Apple va embaucher 7400 personnes à Cupertino:
Merci à sgmsg d'avoir attiré notre attention sur une brève de Radio Canada qui nous apprend qu'Apple compte recruter 7400 personnes à son siège ou plutôt dans son dutur siège de Cupertino.
Il y aura des ingénieurs, informaticiens, illustrateurs et experts en design qui iront rejoindre les équipes afin de proposer les produits de demain.
Depuis plusieurs années c'est certainement le plus grand défi d'Apple, faire augmenter la taille de ses équipes sans risquer de perdre ce qui en a fait le succès, une hiérarchie relativement courte.

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C'est un Refurb Store très chargé et très intéressant que nous pouvons découvrir ce matin ! Le Mac mini à 459 € fait son grand retour, et vous trouverez également pas mal d'autres modèles avec un rabais de 15%. Le MacBook Air 13,3" de 2013 est également présent à 799 €, ce qui constitue une bonne affaire si vous souhaitez un Mac portable de premier prix, par exemple pour attaquer vos études (les modèles 13,3" démarrent à 1 099 € aujourd'hui). Le MacBook Pro avec écran Retina n'est bien sûr pas en reste, avec plusieurs modèles à partir de 1 229 €.

Quelques-uns des modèles proposés aujourd'hui

Les offres du jour sortent un peu de l'ordinaire, et certains modèles comme le Mac mini ou le MacBook Air 2013 devraient donc partir vite. Si vous avez trouvé votre bonheur sur la boutique de produits reconditionnés d'Apple aujourd'hui (lire : Qu'est-ce que le Refurb Store ?), n'attendez pas trop !

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Donatello fait le bô

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Donatello fait le bô: On s'en serait douté, chaque tortue aura le droit à sa courte vidéo de présentation destinée à admirer ses talents au combat dans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Depuis les Ombres. Cette fois, c'est au tour de Donatello de se faire violence et d'éviter de tendre le bâton pour se faire battre.Concernant le jeu en lui-même, c'est Activision qui donne les sous en espérant pouvoir surfer sur la nouvelle série lancée sur Nickelodeon et Red Fly Studio qui s’attelle au développement. A leur actif : Thor : Dieu du Tonnerre et SOS Fantômes Le Jeu Vidéo sur Wii. Vivement cet été, que l'on puisse télécharger tout ça sur PC, PS3 et Xbox 360.

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Donatello fait le bô

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Donatello fait le bô: On s'en serait douté, chaque tortue aura le droit à sa courte vidéo de présentation destinée à admirer ses talents au combat dans Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Depuis les Ombres. Cette fois, c'est au tour de Donatello de se faire violence et d'éviter de tendre le bâton pour se faire battre.Concernant le jeu en lui-même, c'est Activision qui donne les sous en espérant pouvoir surfer sur la nouvelle série lancée sur Nickelodeon et Red Fly Studio qui s’attelle au développement. A leur actif : Thor : Dieu du Tonnerre et SOS Fantômes Le Jeu Vidéo sur Wii. Vivement cet été, que l'on puisse télécharger tout ça sur PC, PS3 et Xbox 360.

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Saints Row IV : la version collector qui fait wub wub

Saints Row IV : la version collector qui fait wub wub: Saints Row IV nous a déjà montré toute l'étendue de sa stupidité dans diverses vidéos et c'est donc avec une certaine curiosité mêlée de crainte que l'on attendait de voir débarquer la fameuse édition collector over the top créée par les fans. Contre 99.99 € sur consoles (Xbox 360 et PS3) et 89.99 € sur PC, vous allez pouvoir faire le kéké avec une réplique sons et lumières de 30 centimètres du "Dub Step gun" présent dans le jeu. Mais ce n'est pas tout puisque cette version sobrement baptisée "Super Dangerous Wub Wub" contiendra également une statuette de 20 centimètres de Johnny Gat et un bouton façon arme atomique qui déchaînera, selon toute vraisemblance, la puissance de la dubstep sur...

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

The Best (and Biggest) Hats from the Kentucky Derby

The Best (and Biggest) Hats from the Kentucky Derby:
139th Kentucky Derby - Arrivals
There aren’t many red carpets that can bring together the likes of Lauren Conrad, Kid Rock, beauty queens, and Smokey Robinson, but it happened this weekend at the 139th Kentucky Derby.
The biggest attraction–sometimes literally–at the Kentucky Derby is the head wear. From matchy-matchy hats to ginormous flowers, race-goers had fun with their hats this year.
Click through to see the best and biggest.
Continue reading »

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I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Apple annonce un special event pour le 19 janvier

Apple annonce un special event pour le 19 janvier:
Pour une fois, Apple ne présentera pas ses nouveaux produits en Californie, mais
Comme on l'attendait, un special event sera organisé jeudi prochain, 19 janvier. L'événement sera tourné autour de l'éducation, un domaine que Steve Jobs souhaitait privilégier.
 Jeudi 19 prochain à 15 heures, Apple organisera un special event qui se déroulera non pas à San Francisco comme d’habitude, mais au musée Guggenheim de New York.

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

5 Low-Cost (and Low-Maintenance!) Houseplants

5 Low-Cost (and Low-Maintenance!) Houseplants:
BrightNest is a free site that provides tools and tips to homeowners to help them save money, get organized and keep their homes in great shape. Sign up for a free BrightNest account today!
Low-maintenance houseplants are great, but not all “easy-to-care-for” florae are equally as easy to pay for!
For example, many florists recommend the Chinese Evergreen because it’s low-maintenance and attractive, but it also costs almost $150.
You don’t need to empty your wallet to reap the benefits of houseplants! If you shop carefully, you can have the best of both worlds.
Here are five hard-to-kill houseplants that won’t break your budget:

Rabbit Foot Fern

Cost: $10-$30 (depending on size)
Care: This plant is totally average: Give it average light (out of direct sunlight), average water (allow 1 inch of soil to dry out between waterings) and keep it in average room temperatures. That’s it!
Size: They can grow up to 2 feet long, so it’s a good idea to put them in a hanging basket.
Tip: This plant has furry rhizomes (hence the name). Make sure they stay above the soil surface – if you bury them, they’ll rot.

Peperomia Caperata

Cost: About $25 (less if small)
Care: The only thing that really bothers this guy is soggy soil, so don’t overwater the plant. Keep the humidity level about average and keep the plant away from direct sunlight.
Size: These Brazilian natives grow to be about 8 inches high
Tip: This plant thrives under fluorescent light. So if your office sports these less-than-awesome light fixtures, bring in a Peperomia Caperata!

Aloe Vera

Cost: $5-$15 (depending on size)
Care: Aloe Vera doesn’t need much water, especially during the winter. Just keep the soil lightly moist, and set the potted plant in a room with average humidity and average temperatures.
Size: Aloe Vera can grow up to 2 feet high but usually caps off at about 1 foot.
Tip: Ironically, Aloe Vera sunburns easily. If you want to transition the plant from being an indoor plant to an outdoor plant, do it gradually.

Peace Lily

Cost: $20-$40 (depending on size)
Care: The Peace Lily is by far the easiest flowering houseplant to care for – it tolerates average indoor conditions like a pro. Simply keep the plant out of direct sunlight and water it regularly.
Size: These big girls can get up to 3 feet high!
Tip: If your Peace Lily isn’t blooming, it probably isn’t getting enough sun. Just move it to a brighter location.

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

Cost: About $15
Care: Mother-in-Law’s Tongue are almost as easygoing as Peace Lily – it can tolerate just about anything. The only thing this plant doesn’t like is extreme cold (but it can tolerate fluctuating temperatures).
Size: This plant grows straight up to about 2 feet.
Tip: If water pools on the leaves they might rot, so avoid watering the center of the plant.

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

mardi 4 juin 2013

Finance : Création de l ' ACIFTE -

Finance : Création de l ' ACIFTE -

Finance : Création de l ' ACIFTE
( -- Création de l'ACIFTE, Association professionnelle de référence des CIF, (Conseils en Investissements Financiers), qui regroupe des spécialistes exerçant, à titre principal, auprès d'entreprises, d'entrepreneurs ou d'institutionnels ...

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

Finance : Création de l ' ACIFTE -

Finance : Création de l ' ACIFTE -

Finance : Création de l ' ACIFTE
( -- Création de l'ACIFTE, Association professionnelle de référence des CIF, (Conseils en Investissements Financiers), qui regroupe des spécialistes exerçant, à titre principal, auprès d'entreprises, d'entrepreneurs ou d'institutionnels ...

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

lundi 3 juin 2013

How to Throw Your Kid a Rocking Birthday Party on a Budget

How to Throw Your Kid a Rocking Birthday Party on a Budget:
Having just thrown a party for my son’s 1st birthday, I now completely understand a parent’s desire to throw the biggest, best, and most amazing birthday party for their favorite little person.
As exciting as party planning can be, it can also be stressful when you have to factor in that one annoying detail: the budget.
You might have the most genius ideas to make your kid’s birthday the best ever, but they may not be entirely realistic given your budgetary constraints.
I knew I had gone overboard when I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to hire a fireworks company to launch a blast worthy of the Fourth of July.
My husband thought that was a bit over the top, especially for a little man who wouldn’t remember any of it. I told him I’ll hold off on the fireworks…at least until his 5th birthday.
If you are faced with a similar dilemma of wanting your kid to party like a rockstar (without breaking the bank), here are my best tips on how to save money while still throwing a super fab party.

Party Decorations

Go to the dollar store and get inexpensive party decorations and party favors.
Crepe paper is cheap but effective way to set a festive mood, so go crazy with it.

Party Food

Don’t order pizza — make your own! It’s delicious, healthy, and a fun activity for the kids.
Do the math. If you have coupons for a restaurant that can cater run the numbers to see how much it would cost per person.
Is it cheaper to have the party catered instead of buying all the ingredients and slaving in the kitchen for days beforehand?
If you love baking and making your kid a homemade birthday cake is an important tradition for you then by all means go for it. If not, then price around your options.
I actually saved big on my son’s cake by having a local culinary school make it. Sure it was made by students, but I was perfectly pleased with the results and I saved a bundle in the process.

Party Games

Make them up. Kids will have fun doing most any competitive game that lets them win a cool prize.
For my son’s party I hid a little ball in three different boxes and had them chose which box the ball was in. Another game I had them play was to guess how many cotton balls were in a large jar.
By the way, you don’t have to use cotton balls — it would probably be even more fun with candy, but I’m cheap and the kids didn’t need more sugar.
Regardless of what party games you play, just be sure they are age appropriate so the kids don’t get bored.
Oh, and the prizes? They can be something simple from the dollar store.


Skip expensive one-stop-shop party places!
If the party will take place during warm weather, consider having it at a local park. You may have to play a small fee to reserve a shelter with picnic tables but the kids will play for hours on the playground equipment.
If you’ve got a fun backyard, that can be the perfect location for the party.
A swing set, lots of room to run around, a kiddie pool (depending on age), and maybe even some sprinkles to run through will all keep the kids busy and having fun.
Kelli Bhattacharjee runs the blog,, which offers the hottest freebies, coupons, bargains and money saving advice. Kelli shares several of her best savvy money tips in her free ebook titled, Saving Beyond the Coupon.

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

How to Throw Your Kid a Rocking Birthday Party on a Budget

How to Throw Your Kid a Rocking Birthday Party on a Budget:
Having just thrown a party for my son’s 1st birthday, I now completely understand a parent’s desire to throw the biggest, best, and most amazing birthday party for their favorite little person.
As exciting as party planning can be, it can also be stressful when you have to factor in that one annoying detail: the budget.
You might have the most genius ideas to make your kid’s birthday the best ever, but they may not be entirely realistic given your budgetary constraints.
I knew I had gone overboard when I mentioned to my husband that I wanted to hire a fireworks company to launch a blast worthy of the Fourth of July.
My husband thought that was a bit over the top, especially for a little man who wouldn’t remember any of it. I told him I’ll hold off on the fireworks…at least until his 5th birthday.
If you are faced with a similar dilemma of wanting your kid to party like a rockstar (without breaking the bank), here are my best tips on how to save money while still throwing a super fab party.

Party Decorations

Go to the dollar store and get inexpensive party decorations and party favors.
Crepe paper is cheap but effective way to set a festive mood, so go crazy with it.

Party Food

Don’t order pizza — make your own! It’s delicious, healthy, and a fun activity for the kids.
Do the math. If you have coupons for a restaurant that can cater run the numbers to see how much it would cost per person.
Is it cheaper to have the party catered instead of buying all the ingredients and slaving in the kitchen for days beforehand?
If you love baking and making your kid a homemade birthday cake is an important tradition for you then by all means go for it. If not, then price around your options.
I actually saved big on my son’s cake by having a local culinary school make it. Sure it was made by students, but I was perfectly pleased with the results and I saved a bundle in the process.

Party Games

Make them up. Kids will have fun doing most any competitive game that lets them win a cool prize.
For my son’s party I hid a little ball in three different boxes and had them chose which box the ball was in. Another game I had them play was to guess how many cotton balls were in a large jar.
By the way, you don’t have to use cotton balls — it would probably be even more fun with candy, but I’m cheap and the kids didn’t need more sugar.
Regardless of what party games you play, just be sure they are age appropriate so the kids don’t get bored.
Oh, and the prizes? They can be something simple from the dollar store.


Skip expensive one-stop-shop party places!
If the party will take place during warm weather, consider having it at a local park. You may have to play a small fee to reserve a shelter with picnic tables but the kids will play for hours on the playground equipment.
If you’ve got a fun backyard, that can be the perfect location for the party.
A swing set, lots of room to run around, a kiddie pool (depending on age), and maybe even some sprinkles to run through will all keep the kids busy and having fun.
Kelli Bhattacharjee runs the blog,, which offers the hottest freebies, coupons, bargains and money saving advice. Kelli shares several of her best savvy money tips in her free ebook titled, Saving Beyond the Coupon.

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website