, pub-4348171683695472, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

samedi 22 juin 2013

La Surface PRO elle à tout d'une grande !

La Surface PRO elle à tout d'une grande !:
La Surface PRO est la tablette pour les professionnels de Microsoft avec écran Full HD (grand écran 16:9 ClearType Full HD (1080p). Dotée d'un châssis en magnésium ultraléger très résistant, Le pied intégré est une bonne idée en mobilité, pour utiliser Surface comme tablette, il suffit de replier le pied, qui disparaît dans le châssis. (processeur Intel Core-i5 de 3e génération, ses 4 Go de RAM et un stockage SSD très rapide)
[Windows8 représente 7.5% du marché des tablettes dans le monde, c'est  100 millions de licences vendues début Mai 2013, la troisième plateforme est en marche, des annonces fortes seront faites fin Juin à SF lors de la Build Developer sur le sujet ]

La tablette surface est équipée de caméras LifeCam à l'arrière et à l'avant, la caméra arrière est orientée vers le haut selon un angle de 22 degrés, de manière à filmer droit devant elle lorsque Surface repose sur son pied.  Une coque de protection est fourni que vous pouvez utiliser comme clavier. Le Touch Cover se clipse à Surface pour offrir un clavier plat et étanche destiné à la saisie.Son épaisseur ne dépasse pas les 3 mm et il pèse moins de 230 grammes. Avec ses touches de raccourci Windows, ses commandes multimédias et son pavé tactile vous pouvez retrouvé votre bureau en toute circonstance…. à partir de 879€ (
Elle intègre un port USB de taille classique, un emplacement microSD et une sortie vidéo A/V HD.1. Livré aussi avec un stylet - sa taille : 27,46 x 17,30 x 1,35 cm 907 g (caractéristiques)
L'offre applicatif
Le store W8 est vraiment complet pour tous types d'usages même si il reste encore des manques dans certains domaines, ou certain éditeurs ne jouent pas la carte des fonctionnalités 100% multiplateformes. Vous avez le pack office complet, les outils de Bing recherche et maps, Skype, nouvelle version de Xbox Games... et bcp plus

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

FiveFive a pour ambition d’imaginer la prochaine génération d’objets intelligents

FiveFive a pour ambition d’imaginer la prochaine génération d’objets intelligents:

FiveFive est une startup créée en janvier 2012 et installée à Lyon. Elle propose une gamme de produits innovants, intelligents et connectés pour la maison. L'équipe des FiveFive est persuadée que s'ouvre une nouvelle révolution industrielle avec la possibilité de rendre communicant les objets de notre quotidien avec nos smartphones et tablettes (ce que les anglo-saxons appellent "des Appcessoires").

FiveFive a pour ambition d’imaginer la prochaine génération d’objets intelligents qui rend la maison plus belle, facile et confortable à vivre.Nous voulons donner à nos clients la possibilité, unique, de personnaliser eux-mêmes leur intérieur grâce à un produit performant mais aussi extrêmement facile à utiliser au quotidien.

La création de Holi

Holî permet de créer l'ambiance lumineuse idéale et ainsi vivre des moments uniques. Holî c'est bien plus qu’une lampe d'ambiance, c’est un projecteur de lumière qui met en valeur la décoration intérieure, habille les murs et met en scène les objets.Grâce à la diffusion de lumière dynamique et colorée, holî adapte votre intérieur à vos attentes.

[En pré-commande à partir du 13 juin sur le site internet de FiveFive, holî
sera disponible en magasin en fin d'année au prix public conseillé de 199€.]

Un concentré de technologie

Avec son application intuitive et son design épuré, holî cache son jeu : derrière un discret cadre en aluminium se trouvent 18 LED haute luminosité pilotées individuellement permettant à holî de projeter des effets lumineux multidimensionnels. Pilotée via Bluetooth par iPhone, iPod ou iPad (et Android, fin 2013) holî fait entrer la lumière dans une nouvelle ère.
1 application, 3 univers, des millions de combinaisons

- Univers collection : accédez à plus de 50 ambiances exclusives imaginées par des light designers.

- Univers création : laissez libre-cours à vos envies et créez vos propres chorégraphies lumineuses
ou plongez dans les couleurs de vos photos préférées.

- Univers smart : faites vous réveiller en douceur grâce à son simulateur d’aube intégré.
Programmez holî pour qu'elle réagisse à l'actualité de vos réseaux sociaux (Facebook et Twitter).

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Visualiser le contenu de son terminal mobile sur sa TV avec Miracast By Netgear

Visualiser le contenu de son terminal mobile sur sa TV avec Miracast By Netgear:
Capture d’écran 2013-06-20 à 13.11.02C'est un petit boîtier (84 x 51 x 12 mm), léger (48 g) hdmi aux normes Miracast & Intel Widi pour visualiser le contenu de son terminal mobile sur sa TV jusqu’en Full HD 1080P, ultra simple d’utilisation, le PTV3000 permet de voir plus grand et de profiter de tous les contenus (films, photos, musiques, jeux, applications) résidant sur son Smartphone, sa tablette ou son PC portable directement sur sa TV en HD.

Le PTV3000 fonctionne avec tous les terminaux mobiles sous Android compatibles avec la nouvelle norme Miracast, ainsi qu’avec les PCs sous Windows 8 compatibles avec la technologie Intel WiDi. Les contenus vidéo, jeux et images s’affichent sur la TV en haute résolution jusqu’au Full HD 1080P avec un son 5.1. Doté d’un connecteur HDMI vers le téléviseur et d’un connecteur mini-USB, il s’installe en quelques secondes et peut être alimenté soit via un port USB de la TV soit via un adaptateur secteur fourni. Les transmissions avec les terminaux mobiles s’effectuent en WiFi Direct b/g/n à des débits allant jusqu’à 300 Mbit/sec sur les bandes de fréquence de 2,4 GHz ou de 5 GHz.

La technologie Miracast étant prise en charge nativement depuis les terminaux mobiles compatibles, il n’y a rien à installer. Le fonctionnement est instantané, son prix environ 79 €

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

vendredi 21 juin 2013

Transformez votre iPhone en télécommande grâce à Logitech.

Transformez votre iPhone en télécommande grâce à Logitech.:
Logitech va rendre disponible au moins d’Août son Harmony Ultimate Hub.
Ce HUB sera vendue dans les 100$ et vous permettra de piloter jusqu’à 8 appareils depuis votre iPhone à l’aide d’une application dédiée.

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Photoful : Une superbe application pour vos photos.


Photoful : Une superbe application pour vos photos.:
Si iOS 7 propose maintenant un gestionnaire de photo digne de ce nom ce n’est pas franchement le cas d’iOS 6 !
Heureusement Photoful vient de passer en version 2.0 et son look se rapproche franchement de ce que l’on peut retrouver sous iOS 7.
Cerise sur le gâteau vous disposez d’outils pour retoucher vos clichés.


I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

lundi 17 juin 2013

Unleashing the Combined Power of Google Analytics and AdWords: Webinar Next Tuesday, 6/18

Unleashing the Combined Power of Google Analytics and AdWords: Webinar Next Tuesday, 6/18:
In many ways, Google Analytics and AdWords were made for each other. AdWords helps advertisers reach an audience and reports on advertising performance, and Google Analytics can tell you what actions your users take when they actually get to your site. You may have a high clickthrough rate (CTR) in AdWords, but what if you could see that 70% of those users left immediately after arriving on your landing page? While understanding the conversion rate of AdWords ads is critical, it’s also important to understand what happened to the users that did not convert or complete the action you wanted them to. For example, did users ‘bounce’ after landing on your site or did they view a few other pages and then leave? How much time did they spend on your site? Which keywords drive the majority of your Ecommerce revenue?

Thanks to built-in Google product integrations that provide unique insights into your data, you can view reporting and data in Google Analytics that directly relates back to your advertising in AdWords. Understanding how to use both of them together will help you refine your AdWords campaigns and improve the performance of your business.

Next Tuesday, join Rachel Witalec and Simon Rosen, Global Sales Strategy Leads, for a detailed look at how to use Google Analytics and AdWords together. In this webinar, we'll show you why it's important to link your Google Analytics and AdWords accounts, how to see both Google Analytics data in AdWords and AdWords data in Google Analytics, and walk through a live demo of the reports and how to use them. You'll learn how to make your marketing more effective by analyzing Google Analytics data, such as bounce rate, pages per visit, conversion rate, and Ecommerce revenue in conjunction with AdWords factors, such as keyword performance, ad copy, ad groups, and more. The webinar will also include a live Q&A section.

Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Time: 10am PDT / 1pm EDT/ 6pm GMT

Duration: 1 hr

Level: 101 / Beginner

Register: Register here

Posted by Sara Jablon Moked, Google Analytics team

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

Enhanced campaigns: What happens on July 22, 2013

Enhanced campaigns: What happens on July 22, 2013:
This week, we published some of the reasons advertisers have already upgraded more than 3 million legacy campaigns to enhanced campaigns. If you have already upgraded all of your campaigns, then you are all set!  If you still have some legacy campaigns in your account, this post will cover what will happen to campaigns that are auto upgraded starting on July 22, 2013.

Default upgrade path

We strongly encourage everyone to upgrade before July 22, 2013 so your campaigns are set up as you'd like. If you don't, then the AdWords system will upgrade them using the following default settings.

Campaigns will be configured, like all new AdWords campaigns, to reach customers across all devices. Upgraded campaigns require a mobile bid adjustment setting, which influences your bids, ad position, and click volume on mobile devices. The table below shows how the mobile bid adjustment will be set depending on the devices targeted by a legacy campaign. Of course, you're free to change your default mobile bid adjustment and all other campaign settings after a campaign is automatically upgraded.

Legacy campaign device targeting
Default mobile bid adjustment
Any campaign that targets computers
Set based on bids from similar advertisers
Campaigns targeting tablets only
Set based on bids from similar advertisers
Campaigns targeting mobile devices only
+0% (same bids across all devices)
Campaigns targeting tablets and mobile devices only
+0% (same bids across all devices)

Special cases

What we've described above covers the vast majority of legacy campaigns. But there are some special cases with different default upgrade settings, like a legacy campaign that runs ads on the Google Display Network and uses device-specific targeting. Details on these special cases are in the AdWords Help Center.

Upgrade quickly and easily today

If you're upgrading one or multiple campaigns, we recommend that you use the AdWords upgrade center. It's quick and takes you step-by-step through the process. Learn more or visit the upgrade center now.

We're here to help

We want you to be successful with AdWords, so please contact us if you’d like any assistance with the upgrade to enhanced campaigns. For more details, tips and resources on succeeding with enhanced campaigns, please check out our help center articles and enhanced campaigns website.

Posted by Sridhar Ramaswamy, Senior Vice President of Engineering

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

The Best Way to Shop for a Credit Card

The Best Way to Shop for a Credit Card:
Credit cards are evil, credit cards entice you to get into debt, and credit cards are just plain bad news.
This is the message a small, but very vocal, minority of rabid consumer advocates would have you believe.
Thankfully they’re all wrong, as credit cards are a very safe and efficient way of transacting commerce while offering aggressive consumer fraud protections.
Can credit cards be abused? Of course they can be abused, just like so many other consumer vices that have nothing to do with financial services.
But, if we were to treat adults like adults, we’d all conclude that credit cards are only as bad as the user.
Point being, consumers are going to continue to use credit cards regardless of how some would demonize them and their issuers, so we might as well optimize our usage as best we can.

Many Shapes and Sizes

There are well over 10,000 credit card issuers in the United States and shopping for the best credit card can be cumbersome and overwhelming, let alone practically impossible.
Thankfully, there are a small handful of websites that act as quasi credit card strip malls and allow consumers to consider the attributes of many credit cards and then compare them in a side by side environment for the purposes of allowing the consumer to choose the one that best fits our wants, needs, and restrictions.
Mint, CreditCardInsider, CreditSesame, and Bankrate (which owns all allow consumers to browse credit card offerings, compare offers, and then pick and choose the ones they like the best.
Normally, interest rates reign supreme when it comes to credit card attributes, but that’s not the end of things as it pertains to plastic.
Credit cards come in so many shapes and sizes, and interest rates are but one of the many key decision metrics we must consider when looking for the best fit for our wallets.
Interest rates are pretty predictable. They’re based almost solely on our credit scores, so if we’ve got great credit then we’re going to get a great interest rate.
Conversely, if we’ve got lousy credit we’re going to get a lousy interest rate, if we’re lucky. We might end up finding ourselves shut out of the credit card environment altogether if our credit is too bad.

Credit Card Shopping Protocol

Shopping for a credit card is not easy. You cannot shop for a credit card like you’d shop for an auto loan or a mortgage. The protocol is different.
Credit card issuers don’t act as brokers, offering you the best deal available at the time.
Auto dealers and mortgage lenders do, on the other hand, act as brokers and can shop credit reports and scores on behalf of the consumer to various lenders in search of the best deals currently available.
If you were to apply with one credit card issuer you’d be marrying them, and only them.
So, the deal you get isn’t necessarily the best deal available, but instead it’s the best deal they have to offer at the time. You’d be better off shopping for a credit card deal before you actually apply for the card.

Protecting Your Credit During the Process

This method might seem cumbersome, but it’s 100% worth your time and effort. Credit card inquiries are among the most damaging to your credit scores, so you want to avoid them at all costs.
That means applying for 10 credit cards to find the best one isn’t a good idea.
The aforementioned credit card sites allow you to compare offerings before you actually apply, thus saving you the impact of the inquiry and the potential credit score damage.

The Best Deals

The best thing about credit card shopping is that it’s 100% free. Credit card issuers are competing with each other like no other time in recent credit history.
The zero interest and rewards deals are the best they’ve been in the history of history, if that makes any sense.
If you’ve got good credit, you’ll be able to easily find zero interest offers extending 6 to 15 months with no balance transfer fee, if that’s your strategy.
Point being, don’t settle for any credit card offer because there is a line of credit card issuers waiting to pitch you their best deals.
John Ulzheimer is the President of Consumer Education at, the credit blogger for, and a contributor for the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.  He is an expert on credit reporting, credit scoring and identity theft. Formerly of FICO, Equifax and, John is the only recognized credit expert who actually comes from the credit industry. The opinions expressed in his articles are his and not of or Intuit. Follow John on Twitter.

I'm eric Tchatchoua When starting a productive organization enterprise or launching a new merchandise, most entrepreneurs or organization house owners carry out some sort of marketing analysis to figure out the extent of their potential buyer foundation. And when getting the term out to that consumer base, a lot of business owners could switch to the media to help generate a excitement for them.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown invades iOS devices on June 20th

XCOM: Enemy Unknown invades iOS devices on June 20th:

The world is under attack once more, and it's up to your squad of elite, turn-based soldiers to keep humanity safe. We've just gotten word that XCOM: Enemy Unknown is headed to a wide variety of iOS devices come this Thursday, June 20th. Everything from the iPad 2 to the fifth-gen iPod touch is getting a taste of Firaxis' XCOM effort -- should users choose to fork over the $19.99 asking price, that is.

Aside from multiplayer (which is coming via free update post-launch), the iOS version is just about the same as its console and PC counterpart -- you build up resources and strike back against the alien menace threatening to tear apart Earth, with the occasional break to torturously study the enemy via "dissection." Whether the enemy is still alive at that point, well, that's a question for your science team. For a full list of supported iOS devices, head below the break. As for Android and Windows Phone 8 support? "We've only announced plans for iOS devices at this time," was all a 2K Games rep would tell us. Not exactly a hard no, but not a confirmation either.
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Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

Submissions for Expand's Insert Coin: New Challengers competition now open!

Submissions for Expand's Insert Coin: New Challengers competition now open!:

Calling all makers, dreamers, inventors and entrepreneurs, Insert Coin: New Challengers is back for round two! We were absolutely blown away by the responses to our Expand San Francisco competition. We had a hell of a time whittling all of the submissions down to a group of semi-finalists and had a blast interacting with all of the finalists on the show floor. Ultimately, Ziphius' head-turning aquatic drone took home the gold, a well-deserved and hard fought win. This time out, we'll giving 10 semifinalists tickets to the show, along with a $1,000 travel stipend. One Judges' Choice winner will walk away with $10,000 and one Readers' Choice winner will get $15,000. Both will also score a product review on this site.

Think you've got what it takes to walk away with the big prize at Expand NY in November? Well, now's your chance. We're opening up submissions today through September 27th. Semifinalists will be announced on this site and the big winners will be unveiled at the show. Submissions rules can be found after the break and over on our event page. We can't wait to see what you've got cooking this time out!
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Source: Insert Coin

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website

vendredi 14 juin 2013

Advanced Web Ranking Review - Website Auditor

Advanced Web Ranking Review - Website Auditor:
Advanced Web Ranking (AWR) is one of my favorite pieces of SEO software on the market today. It has been indispensable to me over the years. The software does it all and then some.
I reviewed it a few years ago; you can read that here, most of it is still relevant and I'll be updating it in the near future. In this post I want to highlight their Website Auditor tool.

Combining On and Off Page Factors

The beauty of this feature is the simple integration of on and off-page elements. There are other tools on the market that focus solely on the on-page stuff (and do a fantastic job of it) and AWR does as well.
The all-in-one nature of Advanced Web Ranking allows you to deftly move between the on and off (links, social, etc) page factors for a site (and its competition) inside of the Website Auditor feature. AWR has other tools built-in to go even deeper on competitive analysis as well.
A quick FYI on some general settings and features:
  • You can crawl up to 10,000 pages on-demand
  • All results are exportable
  • Audits are saved so you can look at historical data trends
  • Complete white-label reporting is available
  • Because it's software it's all you can eat :) (save for the page limit)
You can also set the tool to crawl only certain sections of a site as well as completely ignore certain sections or parameters so you can make the best use of your 10,000 page-crawl limit. This is a nice way to crawl a specific section of a site to find the most "social" content (limit the crawl to /blog as an example).

Interface Overview

Here's what the initial interface looks like:
It's a thick tool for sure, on the whole, but just focus on the Auditor piece. It's fairly self-explanatory but the top toolbar (left to right) shows:
  • Current site being viewed
  • Update date history for historical comparison
  • Filtering options (all pages, only specific pages (200's, 404's, missing title tags, basically all the data points are available for slicing and dicing)
  • Button for on-page issues to show in the view area
  • Button for page-level external link data to show in the view area
  • Button for page-level social metrics (Twitter, Facebook, G+) to show in the view area
  • Update Project button (to update the Audit :D )
  • Text box where you can filter the results manually
  • Auditor settings (see below)
  • Link data source, Open Site Explorer for now (Majestic is available in other areas of AWR and I'm told it will be available in Website Auditor as another option on the next release, 9.6 (due out very soon)
The tool settings button allows to configure many areas of the Auditor tool to help get the exact data you want:

On-Page and Off-Page Data Points

The on-page overview gives you all of what is listed in the viewport shown previously and if you click on the Filter icon you'll be able to look at whatever piece of on-page data you'd like to:
I did just a short crawl here in order to show you how your data will look inside the tool. The view of the initial on-page report shows your traditional items such as:
  • Title tag info
  • Meta descriptions
  • Duplicate content
  • Robots and indexing information
  • Broken link and external link counts
  • Levels deep from the root
  • HTTP Status Code
Each page can be clicked on to show specific information about that page:
  • Links from the page to other sites
  • Internal links to the page
  • Broken links
  • External links pointing into the page with anchor text data, Page Authority, and MozRank. Also whether the link is no-follow or an image will be shown as well
  • Broken link and external link counts
  • Levels deep from the root
  • HTTP Status Code
The on-page overview is also referred to as the Issues Layout:
The other 2 views are more of a mix of on-page and off-page factors.
The Links Layout shows the following (for the root domain and for the sub-pages individually):
  • Levels deep from the homepage
  • Page Authority
  • MozRank
  • Linking Root Domains
  • Total Inbound Links
  • Outbound Links
  • No-follows
  • Inbound and Outbound Internal Links
In this view you can click on any of the crawled pages and see links to the page internally and externally as well as broken links.
The Social Layout shows the following information:
  • Facebook Shares, Twitter Shares, and Google +1's for a given URL
  • Internal and external links to the page
  • Indexed or not
  • HTTP Status
  • Meta information
  • Broken Links
This data is helpful in finding content ideas, competitor's content/social strategy, and for finding possible influencers to target in a link building/social awareness campaign for your site.

Reporting and Scheduling

Currently you can provide white label PDF/interactive HTML reports for the following:
  • Issues Layout
  • Link Layout
  • Social Layout
You can also do a quick export from the viewport window inside the Website Auditor tab to get either an HTML/PDF/CSV export of the data you are looking at (list of link issues, social stats, on-page issues, and so on).
Reports can be scheduled to run automatically so long as the computer AWR resides on is on and functional. You could also remote in with a service like LogMeIn to run an update remotely or use the AWR server plan where you host the AWR application on one machine and remote client machines (staff as an example) can connect to the shared database and make an update or run a report if needed.
Advanced Web Ranking's Website Auditor is one of the most robust audit tools on the market and soon it will have integration with Majestic SEO (currently it ties into OpenSiteExplorer/Linkscape). It already pulls in social metrics from Twitter, Facebook, and G+ to give you a more comprehensive view of your site and your content.
If you conduct technical audits or do competitive analysis you should give AWR a try, I think you'll like it :)

Good morning everyone on this blog you will find free resources about network marketing, MLM is to say that the concept has been adapted to promote almost exclusively on Internetproduces The Most Love In The World You Will Find Many product Has the One in the march say hello while Day visit website